Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Season of Sweat

OK boys and girls, I have a new theme for the up coming summer and my impending race hiatus.  My goal is to make this my Season of Sweat.  This shouldn't be too difficult considering summers in North Carolina are high conducive to perspiration, regardless of the individuals personal preference.  Over the last week, I have continued  my TV challenge, which I mentioned last week.  Since Monday May 14th, I've watched exactly two and half hours of TV.  I watched a movie last Friday night that was 90 minutes long and watched Mad Men on Sunday for one hour.  That's it.

My best bloggin buddy, Morgan, wondered what I would be doing with all of my free time, and her question really got me thinking about the things that I truly enjoy doing.  I have been listening to a lot more music, reading tons (finished The Girl Who Played With Fire and have begun 1Q84), hanging out with Basil, and I have been more committed to becoming The Active Runner Dad.  This started with walks with Hiroko following work, but has also progressed to getting back on an early morning workout and running schedule.  Most night's, I am in bed by 10:30pm and up the next morning by 4:30am.  I managed to get up and run or hit the gym every morning this week before work.  Friday is my rest day, so I'll stay up a bit later, but this routine is what works best for me.  In addition to my routine, I've begun my new Season of Sweat.  Three days this week, I took up my jump rope in the evening to get in a second sweat for the day.  In addition, the last two days, I've jumped rope outside of our apartment in the nice humid NC evening rather than inside the cramped and overly air conditioned Y.  These jump rope sessions are only 30 minutes, but they produce a wonderful sweat.  Overall my goal is to embrace the heat that yet another NC summer is sure to bring and make this my Season of Sweat!  Do you have a theme for the summer?  If so, please share!

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