Hiro getting a new PR |
Sore. Stiff. Beat all to hell. That was how I felt on Monday. Luckily, Hiroko and I had planned a small vacation around the Half Marathon, and I didn't have to work until Tuesday. By late afternoon, I knew that I needed to get a run in but knew that it would be a slog-a-thon if I tried to run alone. Luckily enough, Monday night is the night that Tir-Na-nOg hold a social run and trivia contest, which ofter draws over 300 runners to the streets of downtown Raleigh. I tried to get Hiroko to join me but she was rest on her laurels after finishing 4th in her age group in Neuse River Brigde Run's 5k. Yes, that's right. Hiroko did one training run a then crushes yet another 5k! I'm really glad that I was running in the Half and not the 5k because this might have been the time that Hiroko finally beat me.
Anyway, the nOg Run ended up being just what the doctor ordered for me. I was able to ride the wave of a huge group run, and push myself into running a nice three miler. I missed most of the nOg run's while I was training for the half. I had forgotten just how much fun I have a the nOg run. I am going to try to attend a few of these over the course of the next few months just to give myself a change of pace.
I did 3 miles in 29:13 for a 9:44
1 9:20
2 9:42
3 10:12
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