Monday, January 10, 2011

Jan. 3rd Two A Day: Part 1

I got up at 4:30am and ran to the gym.  I have been missing my morning classes in a very bad way and was looking forward to this class all weekend.  Still, getting up was more difficult than it used to be, but I really enjoyed the run.  Running past the NCSU bell tower was the highlight of the run because of the way it light up; however, the entire run was relaxing and peaceful. 

Like I have said many a time, I love running in the morning before sunrise.  It was kind of chilly, right near freezing, but it wasn't bad once I got warmed up.  Luckily, the wind was very mild.  The class was pretty good.  This was my first time with this instructor, and I was pretty pleased overall.  She mixed in a lot of running drills and exercises to make it a pretty challenging class.  Nearly all of the activities were timed, so I didn't matter how fast or slow you went and no one was pushing the class beyond the abilities of the others.  There were a few exercises that I opted out of because on my feet and changed to something else.  We didn't run stairs that much, but I still chose to avoid the stairs altogether, which I think was wise.  The class was challenging but not extreme, so I was pleased.  After the class I ran to Hiroko's work so I could get the car from her.  This arrangement worked out well for both of us.  I think that these runs to the gym will happen more often as the winter begins to fade.

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