What I really liked about this article is that it reflected exactly how I feel about dieting, which is that that strict diets are a trap because eventually you’re going to come off the diet and then . . . well you're screwed. That is not to say that people shouldn't watch what they eat. I am all for people eating more healthy foods and avoiding over eating. My basic point is that if you drastically alter the way you eat isn't beneficial and instead people are better served by making long term minor modifications to how they approach eating rather than jumping headlong into whatever fad diet book is atop the NY Times best seller list. One of the things that I like about his article is that it provides simple scientific explanations of how hunger works and some good ways to deal with it. Specifically it talks about how almonds act as a hunger suppressant: "The good fats that nuts contain cause your stomach to suppress ghrelin production, but it takes about half an hour for them to kick in. Note: Peanuts aren't actually nuts, and they contain a lot of saturated ("bad") fats. Stick with something that grows on a tree. (Esquire)" I must admit that the whole peanuts--bad--thing had always confused me and led me to think that all nuts were bad. Now, I am sure that those salted and sweetened nuts that I always see in the stores that look so tasty are certainly not what the article is talking about, so I will be sticking with some plain old unsalted almonds.
I thought that this article was pretty relevant to where I am with my weight loss goals because I am trying to make healthy changes to the way that I eat. I want to scale back my eating a bit, but I am more interested in ways to improve my diet with healthy alternatives to things that I know that I should eat regularly. Also, I found the tips for dealing with the physiological sensation of hunger relevant because I know that often my stomach will be telling me that I am hungry when I am not. So, the ideas that the Esquire gives for dealing with hunger are great.
Outsmart Your Brain
Satuday's Mailed in Workout:
Round Two: 60 seconds work 10 seconds rest
- Crossover Crunch Left
- Crossover Crunch Right
- Standard Crunch
- Bird Dogs
- Fire Hydrants w/ leg extension
- Crossover Crunch Left
- Crossover Crunch Right
- Standard Crunch
- Bird Dogs
- Fire Hydrants w/ leg extension
- Crossover Crunch Left
- Crossover Crunch Right
- Standard Crunch
- Bird Dogs
- Fire Hydrants w/ leg extension
Round Two: 60 seconds work 10 seconds rest
- Standing Tricep extensions
- STANDING SIDE BENDS 35 lbs. weights (right)
- STANDING SIDE BENDS 35 lbs. weights (left)
Alternating Kickbacks 12 lbs weights
- Overhead Press 12 lbs weights
- Alternating Bicep Curls 12 lb. weights
- Standing Tricep extensions
- STANDING SIDE BENDS 35 lbs. weights (right)
- STANDING SIDE BENDS 35 lbs. weights (left)
- Alternating Kickbacks 12 lbs weights
- Overhead Press 12 lbs weights
- Alternating Bicep Curls 12 lb. weights
What a great suggestions! Can I take it to my blog on http://www.shoppharmacycounter.com/?