If this mornings Plycore class is any indication, this month promises to be grueling, which is exactly what I need and want. However, it is still disheartening to find yourself laying on the floor writhing in a pool of your own sweat at 6:45am on a Monday morning even if you know that it is good for you. I feel like I did a good job in February, but I know that I could have done more in my classes. I don't want to push myself to the point of injury, but I intend to try to reshape my limits. Today's Plycore class fit exactly into that game plan because it focused upon the very type of exercises with which I know I struggle. There was a lot of running, stairs, and up and down exercises. Also, there were very few stationary exercises where I can catch my breath a bit while still progressing through the workout. So, I was not shocked to find myself at the very tail end of the class as I began my last round (everyone else having already either finished or skipped ahead to the ab portion of the class). I could have skipped ahead to the ab part as well, but I knew that I could do abs after class and that I would be better served by finishing what I was doing even if I was dead last and alone. Actually, finishing these workouts becomes a point of pride with me, which is why I really enjoy a harsh group workout. But I would be disingenuous if I didn't say that it bugs the absolute shit out me irritates me to be the last person to finish nearly every single class. I keep telling myself that if I can drop another 10lbs. I will begin to see improvement . . . just another 10lbs!!! I know that dropping those 10 lbs is not going to vault me to the ahead of the class, but I know that I will make it at least a little bit easier.
So, March is here at last, and I begin it laying on the floor in pool of my own sweat, totally out of breath, and hardly capable of the most simplistic of utterances after my first class of the month. Well, I guess that by starting out the month on the floor I really have only two options: I can either continue to lay there or I get up dust myself off, clean up the pool of sweat that I've left on the floor and move on. Personally, I can't abide laying on the floor feeling like crap for being last, which is why I plan to make today a two-a-day!
Warm up: Rode My Bicycle 1 Mile to the Gym
Today's Plycore Class:
High Knees (width of two basketball courts)
Side Shuffles Right (length of half a basketball courts)
Butt Kicks (width of two basketball courts)
Side Shuffles Left (length of half a basketball courts)
Sprint (width of two basketball courts)
10 Box Jumps

10 Push Ups
5 Jump Squats
10 Side Arm Pushups (Each Arm)
20 Squats
20 Arm Extensions
6 Flights of Stairs (up & down)
5 Pull Ups (assisted)
5 Burpees
5 Military Pushups* (Pushup, Mt. Climber, Pushup, Mt. Climber, Pushup)
*there are lots of things called Military Pushups, but this is how we do them in Plycore Class.
After class I did a few abs, but could not stay long because I needed to go to work.
25 Crossover Crunch Left
25 Crossover Crunch Right
25 Standard Crunch
25 Oblique Crunches W/leg Raises (Left)
25 Oblique Crunches W/leg Raises (Right)
Cool Down: Rode My Bike 1 Mile Home From the Gym
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