The day went badly because instead of just lifting or swimming I tried to run on the treadmill. I stretched a little before getting on the treadmill. And I was hoping that after walking for 5mins. my achilles would warm up and allow me to run, but it didn't it just got worse as I began to run and the soreness was so bad that after 10mins running I got off of the tread mill without my customary 5mins walking.
I went and did some abs and stretched, then I iced, showered and went shopping with my wife. The longer I was on my feet the worse I felt and the more my mental stat began to plummet. The heat and crowds in the stores were making me nuts and I wanted to cut my feet off with a rusty hacksaw!! Luckily, when I got home I had the sense to ice my achilles, take some anti-inflammatories, and put on some muscle cream. I also made sure to keep my legs elevated. As the night progressed my mood improved a little, but I was still not hopeful that Sunday would bring much improvement. However, when Sunday rolled around I would be shocked!! I will save the details for my next post, but I will say this . . . It was a good that came at the right time because I am not sure that I could have taken a repeat of Saturday! Sometimes the world like to just pile it on, but thankfully, Sunday wasn't on of those days!
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