Monday, February 8, 2010

Plyometric Core (Plycore) Monday 5:45-6:45 AM: The 900

This class is the class that I enjoy most. It is intense and tests me in ways that no other class does. I really like our instructor, Dan. His classes are run heavy with a diverse selection of exercises, but he breaks up the reps in to manageable sets. You will still do a ton, but it is really rare that you find yourself passing 50 consecutive reps on any one exercise. Dan's classes were the first morning class that I took a the Y. Back in October, I went to his Thursday morning Plycore class; it nearly killed me!! I couldn't even do several of the exercises, but I did manage to stay for the whole 45 minutes. I doubt that anyone in the class that morning thought that I would return, but I was there the following Monday, and what awaited me was not pretty. My first 900!

The 900 is a series of exercise set up in rounds that Dan writes down on a dry erase board or gives you on a sheet of paper before class starts. The first round will total 300 reps, and each class member tries to do at least 900 reps in 45 minutes of class. If you complete you 900 in 45 mins, you keep going and see how much you can do. Some 900 are harder than other depending on what exercises are included. More difficult ones will involve lots of stairs, military push-ups, burpees, chin-ups, runs outside around the building, or suicides, but no 900 is ever easy. The first time I tried a 900 I skipped several exercise out right, and I skipped several reps of the exercise I did. Afterwards I felt like dying elephant! Before my second 900 Dan explained to the class that he didn't care how far we go, but he didn't want us to skip exercises. If it took you 5 mins. to do your pushups, then take the time but don't skip, you are not competing with the other class member. You are competing with yourself. Another thing that I like about this class is that Dan will often have on half of the class begin at the top of the page working their way down the list, while the other starts a the bottom and works up. This allows the Alphas to all go nuts, while the rest of the class does not feel like they are falling behind.

Today’s Menu:
warm up: 2 Laps around the track 1/15 of a mile

10 Chin-ups (assisted)
50 Lunges
20 Push ups
5 Box Jumps
50 Seated Crunches
25 Dips
30 Squats
34 Wall Crunches: lay down on you back, butt and legs pressed flat against the wall, lift your arms straight in the air and bend at the waist.
33 Wall Crunches: lay down on you back, butt and legs pressed flat against the wall, lift your arms at an angel towards your knees and bend at the waist until you touch the wall.
33 Wall Crunches: lay down on you back, butt and legs pressed flat against the wall, extend your arms towards your hips and bend at the waist until you touch the wall.
Progressive & Regressive Suicides 4 lines each way
2 laps around the track.

X3 to equal 900!

Today I did this 4 times in 60 mins and made it to 1,200. It was the best I have done since I started going to the Y. When I finished I was dizzy, my foot was bleeding, and my upper lip had dried and cracked. I felt great!  We had not done one of these since early Dec. and this was the first time that I reached 900.  However, I wonder if I would have made it that far if this 900 had stairs.  Either way this was still impressive for me considering how far I've come in such a short time.

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