Today's Workout
500 ab reps different styles
fire hydrants w/ leg extended: 25 each leg
fire hydrants: 25 each leg
1 min. plank
back extensions: 25
jump rope 100 skips
jump squats 30
10 Burpees with one and one jumping jack per count
50 mt. climbers
walking lunges across the width of two basketball courts
resistance bands - standing biceps curls: 25
Dips 15
Incline Push up 10
resistance bands - up right rows: 25
High knees the width of two basketball courts
set up 20 each leg
roman chair 1 min
suicide down the gym
resistance bands - standing biceps curls: 25
resistance bands - kickbacks: 25
dips 15
incline pushups 10
one legged raises 20 (each leg) **sit on a chair, or a bench and try to stand up using only one leg.**
2 flights of stairs
2 laps around the track (2nd lap is a sprint)
standing biceps curls bands: 25
kick backs bands
walking lunges the width of two basketball courts
High knee Jump rope 100 skips each leg
25 jumping jacks
50 Mt. Climbers
Roman Chair 1 min.
Heel raises 25 each leg
side leg raises 25 each leg
one legged roman chairs 20 sec each leg
25 back extensions
25 fire hydrants each leg
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